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Wednesday 13 January 2016

Don't be a Titanic !

Dearest Darling Friends,
A nearby ship,, was sending a warning signal to Titanic about the iceberg ahead.
In an arrogant mood, Titanic wireless operator Jack Phillips tersely interrupted that wireless message and told them to shut up.
In doing so, he prevented that nearby ship from sending Titanic the iceberg warning.
We all know what happened to the Titanic. Clearer communications or patient listening could have prevented the tragedy and the loss of more than 1,500 + lives.
Communications plays an equally important role in our career development, in our family bonding, and in having fun with friends too. When asked to name the top three skills they believed their colleagues need in the corporate world, 70 percent of the readers of CIO magazine listed 'communication' as an absolutely crucial skill.
In simplest terms, in communication, when speaking, be crisp; when listening, be patient and alert. Both are super important in good effective communication.
In communication, be careful about interrupting others. People will be upset if, while they're explaining a problem, you interrupt them and insult them or start offering a solution or start giving your opinion.
If you were the operator in that nearby ship, what would you have done? He just gave up. His thinking was why he should be bothered and take someone's insults, when he had nothing to gain. "Serves them right" he might have thought. What are your thoughts?
If you were the Titanic wireless operator, what would you have done? Well, Jack Phillips might have thought, someone is jealous of 'Titanic' and wishes to spoil the good mood prevalent in the ship. Jack Phillips might have thought, he does not want to heed any 'negative' inputs. What are your thoughts?
My thoughts ? I must master 'communications'. I have taken a few baby steps and they are super exciting. Long way to go though...
Waiting for a communication from you my darling friend...
With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,
Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.

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